(Correspondence) CPL poll on abortion angers many physicians

Myre Sim

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

What kind of society does Klein advocate that would prevent questions from being put to the medical profession because they do not reflect his own bias? The physicians and surgeons polled were very much aware of the abortion issue and were not likely to be influenced by a loaded opinion poll. The fact that 16% of the 50 000 physicians who were polled responded suggests that a considerable number of Canadian doctors are willing to have their views recorded, and the fact that 68% were critical of CMA policy indicates that several thousand doctors are not in favour of it. Compare the 40 to 50 letters received by the CMA concerning the poll, most of which urged the CMA to ignore the poll results and to confirm the present policy.

Sim M. (Correspondence) CPL poll on abortion angers many physicians. Can Med Assoc J. 1990 Jan 1;142(1).

(Correspondence) When passion displaces logic (Dr. Waugh responds)

Douglas Waugh

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Unlike Dr. Heaton I am a born-again nonbeliever and therefore do not accept his version of where it all begins. With that as a “given” my logic is flawless, as is his with a different “given”. Unhappily, the two positions remain irreconcilable.

Waugh D. (Correspondence) When passion displaces logic (Dr. Waugh responds). Can Med Assoc J. 1990 Jan 01;142(1):12.

(Correspondence) Induced abortion

AJ Cunningham

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

I believe that playing with words such as embryo and fetus to justify destroying human life is hogwash. If there was not money in it, how many abortions would be done? The CMA policy summary on induced abortion (Can Med Assoc J 1988; 139: 1176A) recommends that there be no discrimination directed against doctors who do not assist in abortions, but there is such discrimination. On three occasions I have been asked to suppress my beliefs on abortion as a condition of employment and had to turn down jobs. Mind you, I have to suppress some revulsion working with colleagues who perform abortions, as I would if I had to associate with Clifford Olsen. But, as with our patients, we may not approve of their lifestyles, but we have to accept them as human beings.

Cunningham AJ. (Correspondence) Induced abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1989 Nov 01;141(9):869.

(Correspondence) Induced abortion

PG Coffey

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

If a mother decided to kill her newborn baby everyone would be shocked, but if she decides to kill the fetus before birth, say at 20 weeks, half of the country cheers.

Coffey PG. (Correspondence) Induced abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1989 Nov 01;141(9):869-870.

(Correspondence) The psychologic effects of spontaneous abortion

Paul de Bellefeuille

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

It is good that in their sympathetic article (Can Med Assoc J 1989; 140: 799-801, 805) Drs. Ruth Stirtzinger and G. Erlick Robinson remind us that “for [the mother] this has been the loss of a baby”. But in their review they incidentally say that in a group of women described by Simon and associates’ “there were no reported cases of psychiatric symptoms attributable to therapeutic abortion [emphasis mine]”. This statement is not made in the article quoted. Simon and associates wrote that “the amount of psychopathology seen following spontaneous abortion over the same 10 year follow-up period is minor when compared to the therapeutic abortion group”.

de Bellefeuille P. (Correspondence) The psychologic effects of spontaneous abortion. Can. Med. Assoc. J.. 1989;141(6):508-511.

(Correspondence) “Universal” moral principles

Wendell W Watters

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Apart from such simple principles as the Golden Rule and the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number of People, what universal moral principles are there? Apparently Lemoine’s value system would compel unwilling pregnant women to become mothers against their will (the view of the Roman Catholic Church and other antichoice groups); this is in direct opposition to the position that couples should be allowed to regulate their own reproductivity, the view of the United Nations declaration on family planning, to which Canada was a signatory. Neither of these moral positions is universal or based on absolutes. The first arose out of the Christian Church’s desire to implement policies of demographic aggression against all other groups. The second arose in this century out of our collective appreciation that such policies may spell extinction for all forms of life on this planet. Many of the bloodiest episodes in history came about as a result of one group’s seeking to impose “universal” moral principles on others.

Watters WW. (Correspondence) “Universal” moral principles. Can Med Assoc J. 1989 May 01;140(9):1016.

(Correspondence) Abortion

Philip E Shea

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

In his article “Abortion: The CMA’s new policy is a good one” (Can Med AssocJ 1988; 139: 991) Dr. John Lamont misinterprets the Catholic Church’s constant moral teaching on this critical issue. The misinformation could promote prejudice against Catholics who uphold the traditional doctrine that abortion at any stage is a serious sin against God, the creator of all human life. Lamont’s pontifical reference could not have been authenticated by a qualified Catholic scholar.

Shea PE. (Correspondence) Abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1989 Apr 1;140(7):789.

(Correspondence) L’avortement

Paul de Bellefeuille

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

[Translation] It is obvious that the policy does not appeal to the majority of physicians. They would prefer a regime where the life and health of the child are respected and protected in the same way as those of the mother. It is not about a choice between the two.

de Bellefeuille P. (Correspondence) L’avortement. Can Med Assoc J. 1989;140(6):585-586.

(Correspondence) Potential danger

Philip C Cody

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Rapp is using words in an incorrect way to hide from himself what is happening. An oak (or any seed) dies and the germ plasm begins to develop. A fetus is already growing and developing and, if Rapp wishes an analogy, is like a seedling.

Cody PC. (Correspondence) Potential danger. Can Med Assoc J. 1989 Jan 15;140(2):105.

(Correspondence) Abortion: cool common sense

Charles A Simpson

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

It was a delight to read the frank and well-written article by Dr. William G. Green (Can Med Assoc J 1988; 139: 325-326) “I have no answer to the abortion issue, but here is the question”. There has been so much heat and emotion surrounding this issue . . . We have heard too much from those at the extremes.

Simpson CA. (Correspondence) Abortion: cool common sense. Can Med Assoc J. 1988 Oct 01;139(7):612.