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The Pro-Life Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician: A Problem of Integrity

Jeffrey Blustein, Alan R Fleischman

The Hastings Center Report
The Hastings Center Report

If the practice of maternal-fetal medicine sometimes results in abortion, can a physician strongly opposed to abortion maintain his own integrity and still practice in this field? . . . In the final analysis, we are not persuaded that a physician with strong pro-life convictions can be a participant in the practice of maternal-fetal medicine without betraying her or his integrity. We respect the attempts of thoughtful pro-life maternal-fetal physicians to reconcile their deeply held moral or religious beliefs with their profession’s standards of care, but it may be best for all concerned if individuals with strong objections to abortion avoided the practice of modern perinatal medicine.

Blustein J, Fleischman AR. The Pro-Life Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician: A Problem of Integrity. Hastings Cent Rep. 1995;25(1):22-26.

Who is worse? Fanatics or their followers?

Douglas Waugh

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

When Dr. Garson Romalis was shot in Vancouver in November – police have suggested there is a link between the shooting and his performance of abortions – I realized there are certain aspects of human behaviour that I will never figure out. What could give rise to such hatred? What mysterious willingness causes people to let themselves be led into destructive and pointless violence? . . . Although the motives in these cases are undoubtedly complex, it seems clear that each of the fanatic snipers intended to kill, maim or scare the daylights out of these physicians and others like them. And although society as a whole reacted to the events with revulsion, there were without doubt people who said of each case: “Right on! That’s the proper treatment for those baby killers.” . . . Even if we must accept the occasional appearance of a misguided or mad killer among us, must we also accept the frightening cluster of approving supporters who almost inevitably turn up to endorse the madman and his ideas?

Waugh D. Who is worse? Fanatics or their followers?. Can Med Assoc J. 1995 Jan 01;152(1):90.