Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Legal Framework

Raphael Cohen-Almagor

Michigan State University DCL Journal of International Law
Michigan State University DCL Journal of International Law

The aim of this paper is to outline the legal framework of euthanasia in the Netherlands and to analyze the leading court cases involving adults. I will first explain the legal ambiguity that existed in the Netherlands until the enacting of the euthanasia law on April 10, 2001 which is supposed to come into effect in early 2002 and then discuss how did the courts treat cases of mercy killings.

Cohen-Almagor R. Euthanasia in the Netherlands: The Legal Framework. Michigan State U-DCL J Int Law. 2001; 10:319-342.

Compliance with Patients’s End-of-Life Wishes by Nursing Homes in New York City with Conscience Policies

Cynthia K Hosay

Omega: Journal of Death and Dying
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying

Nursing home patients have a constitutional right to refuse treatment. The Patient Self-Determination Act confirmed that right. State laws address the obligations of health care providers and facilities to honor that right. The New York State law is more specific than those of many other states. It allows exemptions for “reasons of conscience” and imposes a number of requirements on nursing homes claiming such an exemption, including the transfer of a patient to a home that will honor an end-of-life wish. This study, conducted by FRIA, 1 investigated the refusal of some nursing homes in New York City to carry out patients’ end-of-life wishes because of conscience-based objections. The study also investigated the willingness of homes which did not have such policies to accept patients transferring from a home with a policy so that the patient’s end-of-life wishes would be honored. Implications for administrators, policy makers, and regulators are discussed.

Hosay CK. Compliance with Patients’s End-of-Life Wishes by Nursing Homes in New York City with Conscience Policies. OMEGA. 2001 Apr;44(1):57-76.

Reproductive Health Services and the Law and Ethics of Conscientious Objection

Bernard M Dickens

Medicine and Law
Medicine and Law

Reproductive health services address contraception, sterilization and abortion, and new technologies such as gamete selection and manipulation,in vitro fertilization and surrogate motherhood. Artificial fertility control and medically assisted reproduction are opposed by conservative religions and philosophies, whose adherents may object to participation. Physicians’ conscientious objection to non-lifesaving interventions in pregnancy have long been accepted. Nurses’ claims are less recognized, allowing nonparticipation in abortions but not refusal of patient preparation and aftercare. Objections of others in health- related activities, such as serving meals to abortion patients and typing abortion referral letters, have been disallowed. Pharmacists may claim refusal rights over fulfilling prescriptions for emergency (post-coital) contraceptives and drugs for medical (i.e. non-surgical) abortion. This paper addresses limits to conscientious objection to participation in reproductive health services, and conditions to which rights of objection may be subject. Individuals have human rights to freedom of religious conscience, but institutions, as artificial legal persons, may not claim this right.

Dickens BM. Reproductive Health Services and the Law and Ethics of Conscientious Objection. Med Law. 2001;20(2)283-293.

Limiting Access to Medical Treatment in an Age of Medical Progress: Developing a Catholic Consensus: A Response from Jewish Tradition

Laurie Zoloth

Christian Bioethics
Christian Bioethics

The efforts of Christian colleagues to articulate a clear framework of specific Christian moral values to assess clinical treatments are a necessary contribution to the debates about justice and resource allocation in health care. Such efforts not only make clear the way in which all such judgement is located, understood and interpreted from a particular social venue and from a particular ethical stance; finding one’s moral location is the first task of critical theory and concomitant practice. The clinical epistemology required in medical resource allocation is framed by cultural and theological stance just as surely as any knowledge, and Christians must be fully responsible for making overt the often covert assumptions that undergird such work. I have been asked to respond to the Consensus Statement by Catholics as a Jewish ethicist.

Zoloth L. Limiting Access to Medical Treatment in an Age of Medical Progress: Developing a Catholic Consensus: A Response from Jewish Tradition. Christ Bioet. 2001 Jan 01;7(2):193-201.

L’incidence du refus de traitement sur le droit à l’indemnisation de la victime d’un préjudice corporel: pour une interprétation conforme au respect des libertés de conscience et de religion

Marie-Ève Arbour

Les Cahiers de Droit
Les Cahiers de Droit

Treatment refusal, when resulting from a choice based on certain religious principles requires a study of the effect of the Charters of human rights and freedoms into the obligation to reduce the harm that is imposed on any victim. To lay down the parameters of such an obligation, the author analyzes the effects of various cases of refusal to afford treatment in light of rules from private and public law. Owing to the rather small number of precedents dealing with this issue, she seeks inspiration from foreign jurisdictions so as to forge a proposed method for interpreting provisions adapted to the specifics of Québec and Canadian law. The author does reach the conclusion that resorting to constitutional exemption is sometimes a necessity in order to respect freedoms of conscience and religion.

Arbour M-È. L’incidence du refus de traitement sur le droit à l’indemnisation de la victime d’un préjudice corporel: pour une interprétation conforme au respect des libertés de conscience et de religion. Les Cahiers de Droit. 2000;41(4):627-655.

Bioethics for clinicians: 20. Chinese bioethics

Kerry W Bowman, Edwin C Hui

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Many of the assumptions implicit in a Western autonomy-based approach to bioethical deliberation may not be shared by Chinese Canadians. In traditional Chinese culture, greater social and moral meaning rests in the interdependence of family and community, which overrides self-determination. Consequently, many Chinese may vest in family members the right to receive and disclose information, to make decisions and to organize patient care. Furthermore, interactions between Chinese patients and health care workers may be affected by important differences in values and goals and in the perception of the nature and meaning of illness. Acknowledging and negotiating these differences can lead to considerable improvement in communication and in the quality of care.

Bowman KW, Hui EC. Bioethics for clinicians: 20. Chinese bioethics. Can Med Assoc J. 2000;163(11):1481-1485.

The scope and limits of conscientious objection

Bernard M Dickens, Rebecca J Cook

International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics
International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics

Principles of religious freedom protect physicians, nurses and others who refuse participation in medical procedures to which they hold conscientious objections. However, they cannot decline participation in procedures to save life or continuing health. Physicians who refuse to perform procedures on religious grounds must refer their patients to non-objecting practitioners. When physicians refuse to accept applicants as patients for procedures to which they object, governmental healthcare administrators must ensure that non-objecting providers are reasonably accessible. Nurses’ conscientious objections to participate directly in procedures they find religiously offensive should be accommodated, but nurses cannot object to giving patients indirect aid. Medical and nursing students cannot object to be educated about procedures in which they would not participate, but may object to having to perform them under supervision. Hospitals cannot usually claim an institutional conscientious objection, nor discriminate against potential staff applicants who would not object to participation in particular procedures.

Dickens BM, Cook RJ. The scope and limits of conscientious objection. Int J Gyn Ob. 2000;71(1):71-77.

The First Ten Principles for the Ethical Administration of Nursing Services

Leah L Curtin

Nursing Administration Quarterly
Nursing Administration Quarterly

At the dawn of the 20th century, postmodern academics stressed the cultural differences among human beings. Philosophers predicated differing value systems based on these cultural differences, and conflicts have arisen among those who hold distinctly different religious traditions. Many people believe there can be no universal system to explain reality and thus form the basis for norms in human behavior. However, at the close of the 20th century scientists and philosophers had come full circle: physics quite literally became metaphysics, and ethical systems made sense. Rush Kidder interviewed two dozen “men and women of good conscience” from around the world and asked them if there is a single set of values that wise people use to make decisions. They answered with a resounding YES! Thus, in addition to the customary principles of beneficence, nonmalfeasance, honesty, and so forth, the author proposes a set of ethical principles based on those universal values, adapted to fit nursing administrators’ dual responsibilities. Ethical decision making and behavior, the author contends, help to reconcile perspectives and interests and to keep values and mission uppermost in one’s mind. In the process, ethical behavior establishes long-term relations of trust and cooperation, which in turn promote consistency and stability in an unstable world..

Curtin LL. The First Ten Principles for the Ethical Administration of Nursing Services. Nurs Adm Q. 2000 Fall;25(1):7-13.

Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims

Steven S Smugar, Bernadette J Spina, Jon F Merz

American Journal of Public Health
American Journal of Public Health

There is growing concern that rape victims are not provided with emergency contraceptives in many hospital emergency rooms, particularly in Catholic hospitals. In a small pilot study, we examined policies and practices relating to providing information, prescriptions, and pregnancy prophylaxis in emergency rooms. We held structured telephone interviews with emergency department personnel in 5K large urban hospitals, including 28 Catholic hospitals from across the United States. Our results showed that some Catholic hospitals have policies that prohibit the discussion of emergency contraceptives with rape victims, and in some of these hospitals, a victim would learn about the treatment only by asking. Such policies and practices are contrary to Catholic teaching. More seriously, they undermine a victim’s right to information about her treatment options and jeopardize physicians’ fiduciary responsibility to act in their patients’ best interests. We suggest that institutions must reevaluate their restrictive policies. If they fail to do so, we believe that state legislation requirng hospitals to meet the standard of care for treatment of rape victims is appropriate.

Smugar SS, Bernadette J Spina BA, Jon F Merz JD. Informed Consent for Emergency Contraception: Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims. Am J Public Health. 2000 Sep;90(9):1372-1376.

The Continuing Conflict between
Sanctity of Life and Quality of Life

From Abortion to Medically Assisted Death

Bernard M Dickens

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences

The purpose of this paper is to address how analysts and commentators approach the relationship between abortion law and law governing medically assisted death, discussion of which is here limited to assisted suicide and voluntary active euthanasia. The issue of involuntary euthanasia or “mercy killing” of non-consenting persons is beyond the present discussion. This paper is further limited to English language literature, and to legal experience and commentary primarily from the United States of America, Britain and Canada, although reactions to developments in the Netherlands are included. Attention will be directed initially to legal and related analysts and commentators who oppose legalization both of abortion and of medically assisted death, and who resist application of the reasoning that supported decriminalization of abortion to medically assisted death. They represent the socalled Pro-Life protagonists in the debate. Language is often employed instrumentally in the conduct of the disagreement, but the practice adopted here is to refer to protagonists by the titles they give themselves.

Second, attention will be given to adherents to the so-called pro-choice position, who favor both liberalized abortion laws and tolerance of medical means by which individuals may end their own lives when they find survival excessively painful, burdensome, or undignified. Consideration is then given to those who oppose liberal abortion laws, perhaps because of fetal vulnerability, but who consider that non-vulnerable, competent persons, such as terminal patients in unrelievable distress, should be legally entitled to assistance in dying. The reverse is then addressed, concerning those who favor women’s choice on abortion, but oppose medically assisted death because, for instance, it may be exploitive of disabled patients or violative of ethical duties that health care professionals owe patients. In conclusion, it will be proposed that reconciliation of opposing views may be approached through promotion of choice, both to continue unplanned pregnancy and burdensome life, through availability of options that individuals may be encouraged and supported, but not coerced, to adopt.

Dickens BM. The Continuing Conflict between Sanctity of Life and Quality of Life: From Abortion to Medically Assisted Death. Annals NY Acad Sciences 2000 Sep;913:88-104