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(Correspondence) The unwanted pregnancy

Kenneth E Scott, Sharon H Stone

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

We were astonished and disturbed to find that in our own hospital 100 infants every year are unwanted during pregnancy and are still unwanted after delivery, and that these are infants of married women with families. There certainly are, then, sufficient numbers of unwanted pregnancies resulting in unwanted infants to presume that they may make up the majority of the beaten and neglected children. We did not prove that they did make up the majority of these children but, as stated in the conclusions, it is a likely possibility.

Scott KE, Stone SH. (Correspondence) The unwanted pregnancy. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Feb 08;112(3):280.

(Correspondence) Composition of the General Council (Response)


Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The 1974 CMA General Council membership was composed of some 250 members of the association. Over two thirds of General Council, 170 members, were representatives of provincial divisions. Twenty-four were members of the CMA Board of Directors or chairmen of statutory CMA councils or committees. Thirty were representatives of affiliated societies. . . . In addition there were 21 individuals who, by virtue of having held office in the CMA (past-presidents, etc.), were members of General Council. The remaining three members were the surgeon general of the Canadian Armed Forces, the director general of the treatment services branch of the Department of Veteran Affairs and the deputy minister of national health, Health and Welfare Canada.

CMAJ. (Correspondence) Composition of the General Council. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Jan 11;112(1):27.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

Bruce Gibbard

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

. . . the CMA is composed of physicians who hold strongly opposing opinions on the morality of therapeutic abortion. Consequently, it will be impossible to find a compromise that will satisfy all members of the association. . . What I believe is wrong is that an important, at times essential, and in some cases lifesaving, medical decision is contaminated by the stigma of the Criminal Code of Canada..

Gibbard B. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 January 11;112(1):25-27.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

Heiko Baunemann

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The history of the Nazi era reminds us of the tendency in man to abuse and enslave his brothers. . . Canadian doctors have performed approximately 150 000 abortions. They are acting freely and voluntarily. I do not believe that their actions can be defended by moral men. It is true that there are good men among them, men who are motivated by the highest ideals, but as a social group I view them as mass killers.

Baunemann H. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975;112(1):27.