(Correspondence) Life devoid of value?

Heiko Baunemann

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Dr. Rapp’s distinction between human beings and “potential” human beings is mystifying. . . The fetus is not a “potential” human being; it is a human being with potential. . . the impetus for the mass killing of mental patients came not from the Nazis but from members of the medical profession. . . . the connection between abortion and euthanasia . . . is quite clear to other proabortionists [including] Joseph Fletcher, a member of the Euthanasia Education Council, and the late Dr. Alan Guttmacher, also a member of that council. . . Abortion and euthanasia are related by a common set of basic assumptions – that human life is not an absolute but rather a variable value that is socially determinable, and that it may be terminated. One form of euthanasia makes this particularly clear – the killing of the handicapped newborn. Arguments for abortion of mongoloid fetuses and mercy killing of mongoloid newborns are identical. . . .

Baunemann H. (Correspondence) Life devoid of value?. Can Med Assoc J. 1977;116(6):591-592.

(Correspondence) Life devoid of value?

Heiko Baunemann

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

In “The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value” Hoche, a distinguished psychiatrist, and Binding, a highly respected jurist, persuasively developed the concept of “worthless human beings”, such as the hopelessly crippled, deformed and insane. They stressed the misery and futility of such unfortunate lives and the cruel economic burden they represented to their relatives and society. . . the legalization of abortion by the Canadian Parliament in 1969 have laid the foundation for the legalization of euthanasia, or the killing of people medically judged to be “incapable of meaningful life”, such as mongoloid idiots, imbeciles, the terminally ill, persons with senile melancholia, stroke victims living like “vegetables”, and – well, the sort of people, besides unwanted babies, who would be “better off dead”. Be patient: euthanasia is coming.

Baunemann H. (Correspondence) Life devoid of value?. Can Med Assoc J. 1976;115(11):1086.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

Wendell W Watters

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

I regret that my previous letter (Can Med Assoc J 111: 900, 1974) did not make clear the distinction between people whose individual value system would not allow them to participate in abortion themselves and people who would prevent anyone from participating in abortion. I sincerely hope we never have laws that prevent the former from following the dictates of their own conscience . . . he is entitled to call embryos anything he wishes. But those of us who call tadpoles “tadpoles” and not immature frogs, acorns “acorns” and not oak trees, prefer to call fetuses “fetuses”. . . With regard to Dr. Baunemann’s letter, the persistent attempt on the part of the self-styled pro-life people to force an association between the Nazis and the advocates of abortion Jaw repeal is wearing a bit thin. . . .History shows that antiabortion laws (phenomenologically, compulsory pregnancy laws) were always introduced to stimulate population growth; and such policies of demographic aggression usually preceded acts of other kinds of aggression. Hitler was a fervent crusader for compulsory pregnancy.

Watters WW. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Mar 08;112(5):558.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

Heiko Baunemann

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The history of the Nazi era reminds us of the tendency in man to abuse and enslave his brothers. . . Canadian doctors have performed approximately 150 000 abortions. They are acting freely and voluntarily. I do not believe that their actions can be defended by moral men. It is true that there are good men among them, men who are motivated by the highest ideals, but as a social group I view them as mass killers.

Baunemann H. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975;112(1):27.