George J Annas, Theodore W Ruger, Jennifer Prah Ruger

Our incremental, fragmented, and incomplete health insurance system means that different Americans have different access to health care on the basis of their income, employment status, age, and sex. The decision in Hobby Lobby unravels only one more thread, perhaps, but it tugs on a quilt that is already inequitable and uneven. A central goal of the ACA was to repair some of this incremental fragmentation by universalizing certain basic health care entitlements. In ruling in favor of idiosyncratic religious claims over such universality, the Court has once again expressed its disagreement with this foundational health-policy goal.
Annas GJ, Ruger TW, Ruger JP. Money, Sex, and Religion-The Supreme Court’s ACA Sequel. N Engl J Med. 2014;371(9):862-865.