Physician Participation in Executions: Care Giver or Executioner?

Peter A Clark

The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
The Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics

The fear of many is that some physicians have been co-opted by the penal authorities and state legislatures in this country to believe that physician participation is a civic duty and one that is in the prisoner’s best interest. In reality, these physicians are being used as a means to an end. They are being used by certain states to medicalize executions in order to make them more palatable to the American public and to prevent capital punishment from being declared unconstitutional because it is “cruel and unusual punishment.” A basic tenet of the principle of respect for persons is that one may never use another person as a means to an end. Legislating that physicians must be present at executions uses these physicians as pawns, or means, in order to legitimize capital punishment. This not only violates the rights of these physicians but violates the basic ethical principles of the medical profession and distorts the physicians’ role in society.

Clark PA. Physician Participation in Executions: Care Giver or Executioner?. J Law Med Ethics. 2006 Spring;34(1)95-104.

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