Freedom of Conscience of Healthcare Professionals and Conscientious Objection in the European Court of Human Rights

María José Valero

Freedom of Conscience of Healthcare Professionals and Conscientious Objection in the European Court of Human Rights

Abstract The recent social and legal debate in several European countries on abortion, euthanasia, and assisted suicide has caused a strong resurgence of the concerns of healthcare personnel as to the real possibility of protecting their consciences in their professional sphere. Individual refusal for religious, moral, deontological, or ethical reasons to participate in activities that directly or indirectly could result in the termination of a human life constitutes the most extreme manifestation of the legal phenomenon of conscientious objection. Although the European Convention on Human Rights does not recognize a general right to conscientious objection, since Bayatyan v. Armenia, the case law of the European Court of Human Rights has identified a connection between conscience-related claims to compulsory military service and Article 9 of the Convention. However, to this date, this doctrine has not been applied to cases that affect health-sensitive areas like abortion and contraception. This article analyzes the activity of the European Court of Human Rights in relation to the right to freedom of conscience and to conscientious objection, particularly in healthcare, and offers several final observations projected to possible future conflicts.

Valero MJ. Freedom of Conscience of Healthcare Professionals and Conscientious Objection in the European Court of Human Rights. Religions [Internet] 2022 Jun 16; 13: 558

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