Attempted abortion by the use of bishyrdoxycoumarin (case report)

NST De Jager, NF Boyd, AD Ginsburg

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The use of an oral anticoagulant in an attempt to induce abortion has not previously been reported. . . Her knowledge of its effects stemmed from two episodes of heavy vaginal bleeding which had been ascribed to the drug. It is felt that in this way she sought to rid herself of a pregnancy which she believed would disrupt her life. In common with almost all patients who knowingly ingest anticoagulants illicitly, she persistently denied self-medication. With adequate psychiatric and social service assistance the underlying problems were resolved and the pregnancy was concluded successfully with the birth of a live infant…

Jager ND, Boyd NF, Ginsburg AD. Attempted abortion by the use of bishydoxycoumarin. Can Med Assoc J. 1972 Jul 8;107(1):50, 53-54.