Andrew Sneddon

Debate about physician-assisted suicide has typically focused on the values of autonomy and patient well-being. This is understandable, even reasonable, given the importance of these values in bioethics. However, these are not the only moral values there are. The purpose of this paper is to examine physician-assisted suicide on the basis of the values of equality and justice. In particular, I will evaluate two arguments that invoke equality, one in favour of physician-assisted suicide, one against it, and I will eventually argue that a convincing equality-based argument in support of physician-assisted suicide is available. I will conclude by showing how an equality-based perspective transforms some secondary features of debate about this issue.
Sneddon A. Equality, Justice, and Paternalism: Recentreing Debate about Physician-Assisted Suicide. J Applied Phil. 2006 Nov;23(4):387-404.