(Correspondence) “The Silent Scream”: setting the record straight

Carlos Del Campo

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

A newsbrief in CMAJ 1985;132:1301) criticizing the videotape “The Silent Scream” failed to report the opinion of a highly qualified expert. Dr. Ian Donald, the original developer of diagnostic ultrasonography, former Regius professor of obstetrics at the University of Glasgow and honorary research consultant at the National Maternity Hospital in Dublin, spent 4 years filming fetal activity at various stages of gestation. Donald, in a sworn affidavit, wrote: “I have now studied Dr. Nathanson’s video-tape film entitled ‘The Silent Scream’ not less than four times and affirm that I am of the opinion that the fetal activities depicted by ultrasound real- time scanning in this film are not faked [or] the result of artefact intentional or otherwise”.

Campo CD. (Correspondence) “The Silent Scream”: setting the record straight. Can Med Assoc J. 1985 Sep 15;133(6):556-557.