(Correspondence) Abortion: a violent procedure?

Brian A Shamess

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

I too was dismayed and deeply concerned about the attack against Dr. Romalis. None the less, I must comment on Marshall and colleagues’ statement that “we abhor the use of violence in ethical debates.” These students must realize that therapeutic abortion is the only legalized medical procedure in which another human life is taken. . . Certainly the medical community should oppose violence against physicians practising in this area. Even if this perpetrator, or convicted US murderer Paul Hill, was exercising a difficult personal choice in targeting a physician who performs abortion, a violent act against a physician remains as abhorrent as abortion itself.

Shamess BA. (Correspondence) Abortion: a violent procedure? Can Med Assoc J. 1995 May 01;152(9):1376.

(Correspondence) Abortion and the DPG ratio

Brian A Shamess

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The question he must answer is, If the fetus is a human being (which indeed he or she is), what should he do? If a woman came in telling him that she was going to kill her 2-day-old baby, would he sit back not wanting to play “godlet”?

Shamess BA. (Correspondence) Abortion and the DPG ratio. Can Med Assoc J. 1991 Feb 01;144(3):277.

(Correspondence) A woman is her fetus?

Brian A Shamess

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Unwanted pregnancy is a social and economic issue. No one would deny that there are very real hardships created by unwanted pregnancy. I have personal experience to attest to this. It seems to me that killing your baby is the worst possible solution. Statements such as “a woman is her fetus” are untrue and do nothing to enlighten the debate.

Shamess BA. (Correspondence) A woman is her fetus? Can Med Assoc J. 1990 Mar 01;142(5):437.

(Correspondence) “Pro-abortion” versus “pro-choice”

Brian A Shamess

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Although he may feel uncomfortable about being involved in abortions, the term “pro-abortion” is accurate. The term “pro-choice”, medically speaking, refers to a choice between killing a fetus and allowing it to live. The fetus is distinct in every way from the mother. . . . This is a medical fact. Therefore, doctors who perform abortions and the staff of abortion clinics are “pro-abortion”. Certainly they are “pro-choice” as well, in that they will allow a woman to choose between killing and granting life to the unborn child. . .

Shamess BA. (Correspondence) “Pro-abortion” versus “pro-choice”. Can Med Assoc J. 1988 May 15;138(10):890.