Charu A Chandrasekhar

The problem of refusals to dispense prescription contraceptives in pharmacies is real and urgent. State public accommodations statutes offer an excellent vehicle in many states for challenging these discriminatory practices. State public accommodations lawsuits should ideally be brought solely against the pharmacy, not against the individual pharmacist who refuses to dispense a prescription. Pharmacies are best positioned to make institutional adjustments that ensure the filling of prescription contraceptives while accommodating the views and legal rights of their pharmacist employees. Moreover, a state public accommodations lawsuit will likely have a greater remedial and public relations impact if brought against a pharmacy as opposed to against an individual
pharmacist and will result in broader systemic change.
Chandrasekhar CA. Rx for Drugstore Discrimination: Challenging Pharmacy Refusals to Dispense Prescription Contraceptives under State Public Accommodation Laws. Albany Law Rev. 2006;70:55-115.