Cross Cultural Perspectives on Dignity, Bioethics, and Human Rights

Maria Isabel Cornejo-Plaza, Darryl RJ Macer

Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics
Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics

The concept of dignity is the foundation of fundamental rights expressed in international declarations on human rights and bioethics. Sometimes there are collisions of rights, which must be weighed. However, more often dignity is invoked in order to argue for or against the same issue. Is it possible that a concept can be so broad that it becomes meaningless? What do we mean when we argue for moral decisions based on dignity? This paper aims at understanding dignity as a construct, in an analytical and evolutionary cross-cultural approach, from a Western and Eastern view, and then considers its impact on the teaching of human rights and biolaw.

Cornejo-Plaza MI, Macer DR. Cross Cultural Perspectives on Dignity, Bioethics, and Human Rights. Eubios J Asian & Int Bioethics. 2016 May;26(3):90-95.