(Points from Letters) Abortion (Amendment) Bill

GW Theobald

British Medical Journal, BMJ
British Medical Journal

It is fast becoming evident that no man or woman whose conscience prevents them from engaging in this practice can in future contemplate specializing in obstetrics and gynaecology, and this would apply to many practising Christians, not merely Roman Catholics, and presumably to orthodox Jews.

Theobald G. (Points from Letters) Abortion (Amendment) Bill. Br Med J. 1975;2(5971):620.

(Correspondence) Abortion Law Reform

GW Theobald

British Medical Journal, BMJ
British Medical Journal

Parliament must clearly decide whether they are mainly concerned with preventing the birth of defective children or with accommodating pregnant women. If they intend to move further than they have done in Scandinavia and give ” abortion rights ” to women they will have to set up special abortion clinics staffed by ” committed” gynaecologists. . . the profession, for its part, must devise simpler and more effective means of birth control and of sterilization, and perhaps be willing to offer the latter to all women who have had two or more children.

Theobald G. (Correspondence) Abortion Law Reform. Br Med J. 1966;1(5493):977-978.