In Search of a Wide-Angle Lens

Harold Braswell

The Hastings Center Report
The Hastings Center Report

That bioethicists had written hundreds of thousands of pages on “autonomy” without writing one article about its relation to subcontracting seemed, by the end of class, an indication that the field had misunderstood its own premises. The goal of bioethics in the next forty years should be to guarantee that such fundamental misunderstandings do not occur. This will happen by stopping the search for new topics and instead becoming more reflective about our methods and more proactive in building institutions that can produce thinkers with the sensitivity and analytical skills to realize the field’s founding ideals. Doing so will require redefining the contours of not only the field, but also our own identity as professionals.

Braswell H. In Search of a Wide-Angle Lens. Hastings Center Report. 2011;3(June):19-21.