RM Boyce, RW Osborn

Author Summary
In a city of 200,000, 119 therapeutic abortions were performed during the period 1962 to 1968. Multiple grounds were commonly given for abortion; these often included depression. Very frequently the absence of support from other people was a factor in deciding to perform abortion. Only five psychiatrists were involved in 82 cases seen in psychiatric consultation. Abortions carried out for more conventional medical reasons, including rubella, decreased in 1967 and 1968 but there was an overall increase beginning in 1967. In the later years of the study (1967-68) a higher proportion of patients were single, younger, had had no previous pregnancy and were aborted later in pregnancy; more were sterilized. A marked increase in abortion rate related particularly to the activity of one of the psychiatrists. One hundred and sixty-six abortions were performed in 1969; a comparable figure (179) was obtained from one other Canadian centre;another centre had performed more (291); two others, 109 and 63; the combined total for 27 other centres from whom replies were obtained was 186.
Boyce R, Osborn R. Therapeutic abortion in a Canadian city. Can Med Assoc J. 1970;103(5):461-466.