Frank A Chervenak, Laurence B McCullough
The ethics of referral for abortion is autonomy based with a beneficence-based component, the clinician’s obligation to protect the woman’s health and life, similar to referral for cosmetic procedures. At a minimum, indirect referral— providing referral information but not ensuring that referral occurs—should be the clinical ethical standard of care. Direct referral for abortion is a matter of individual clinician discretion, not the clinical ethical standard of care. Conscience based objections to direct referral for termination of pregnancy have merit; conscience-based objections to indirect referral for termination of pregnancy do not.
Chervenak FA, McCullough LB. Professional Responsibility and Individual Conscience: Protecting the Informed Consent Process from Impermissible Bias. J Clin Ethics. 2008 Spring;19(1):24-25.