Gatekeeping and Personal Values: Misuses of Professional Roles (Conscientious Objection and Emergency Contraception)

D Micah Hester, Toby Schonfeld, Jean Amoura

The American Journal of Bioethics
The American Journal of Bioethics

. . .pharmacists and physicians who deny EC to women misuse their role as gatekeepers. This is because EC is safer than many over-the-counter (OTC) medications; therefore, its distribution does not require providers to exercise a particular skill or apply special knowledge. As a result,healthcare providers may appropriately act as advisors to women seeking EC, but may not use their role as gatekeepers as away of imposing their values on the women in their care. . . physicians and pharmacists who bar women from access to EC do so without professional cause. They misuse their role as gatekeeper, imposing personal values where professional ones should prevail.

Hester DM, Schonfeld T, Amoura J. Gatekeeping and Personal Values: Misuses of Professional Roles (Conscientious Objection and Emergency Contraception). Am J Med Ethics. 2007 Jun;7(6):27-8. doi: 10.1080/15265160701347361