(Correspondence) Abortion: it is time for doctors to get off the fence

CE Cragg

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

In response to Dr. Myre Sim’s shopworn fulminations (Can Med Assoc 11988; 138: 742- 743), I am one doctor who has been off the fence and on firm ground for some time on the matter of abortion. . . The key to reducing the problem of ethically troublesome abortions remains quick, easy access to abortion, which includes improvement in the early identification of genetic defects. The key to reducing the numbers of abortions includes increasing awareness of the still dire need of children for information about sex, sexuality and birth control and increasing promotion of ethics as an object of study in school.

Cragg CE. (Correspondence) Abortion: it is time for doctors to get off the fence. Can Med Assoc J. 1988 Jul 16;139(2):99.

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