(News) New abortion policy approved for CMA despite some vocal opposition

Patrick Sullivan

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The approximately 230 General Council members took just over an hour to approve the proposed policy in toto, despite strenuous objections from some doctors. . . .Dr. David Knickle, a Charlottetown obstetrician who raised the loudest voice against the new policy, countered that it “simply is carte blanche abortion on demand”. However, his motion that the association “state its op- position to nontherapeutic abortions” received almost no support. . . . Dr. William MacDiarmid of Winnipeg, a member of the CMA’s Committee on Ethics, spoke against the Knickle motion, arguing that because the CMA is a reflection of society, it has to avoid taking an extreme position. “Many of us are in the middle”, he said.

Sullivan P. New abortion policy approved for CMA despite some vocal opposition. Can Med Assoc J. 1988;139(6):542-544.

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