RE Lawrence, Kenneth A Rasinski, John D Yoon, Farr A Curlin

Tubal ligation can be a controversial method of birth control, depending on the patient’s circumstances and the physician’s beliefs.
In a national survey of 1800 US obstetrician-gynecologist (Ob/Gyn) physicians, we examined how patients’ and physicians’ characteristics influence Ob/Gyns’ advice about, and provision of, tubal ligation. Physicians were presented with a vignette in which a patient requests tubal ligation. The patient’s age, gravida/parity and her husband’s agreement/disagreement were varied in a factorial experiment. Criterion variables were whether physicians would discourage tubal ligation, and whether physicians would provide the surgery.
The response rate was 66% (1154/1760). Most Ob/Gyns (98%) would help the patient to obtain tubal ligation, although 9–70% would attempt to dissuade her, depending on her characteristics. Forty-five percent of physicians would discourage a G2P1 (gravida/parity) woman, while 29% would discourage a G4P3 woman. Most physicians (59%) would discourage a 26-year-old whose husband disagreed, while 32% would discourage a 26-year-old whose husband agreed. For a 36-year-old patient, 47% would discourage her if her husband disagreed, while only 10% would discourage her if her husband agreed. Physicians’ sex had no significant effect on advice about tubal ligation.
Regarding patients who seek surgical sterilization, physicians’ advice varies based on patient age, parity and spousal agreement but almost all Ob/Gyns are willing to provide or help patients obtain surgical sterilization if asked. An important limitation of the study is that a brief vignette, while useful for statistical analysis, is a rough approximation of an actual clinical encounter.
Lawrence RE, Rasinski KA, Yoon JD, Curlin FA. Factors influencing physicians’ advice about female sterilization in USA: a national survey. Hum Reprod. 2011;26(1):106-111.