Hospital’s decision to pursue fetal transplantation upsets antiabortionists

Deborah Jones

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Canada’s first research project involving the transplantation of tissue from aborted fetuses into patients with Parkinson’s disease is an issue entirely separate from abortion, the researchers say. However . . . The fetal transplant procedure creates enormous ethical dilemmas for many. Critics state that any use of abortion-related material is wrong because abortion itself is wrong. Some also charge that fetal transplantation will inevitably lead to the “harvesting” of fetuses and make some women “fetus factories”. . . .However, supporters of fetal transplantation state that abortion is an entirely separate issue . . . “We’re simply using the products of women, who have chosen abortion, for research purposes”, said Kathy Coffin of the Canadian Abortion Rights Action League. . . .

Jones D. Hospital’s decision to pursue fetal transplantation upsets antiabortionists. Can Med Assoc J. 1990 Jun 01;142(11):1277.

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