Helen Kohlen

In this work the institutionalisation of Hospital Ethics Committees in the USA and in Germany will be analysed by focussing on nurses’ participation and the representation of caring issues. Therefore, questions about the design of Hospital Ethics Committees and how their practices really look like, will be raised. The central question is, how the traditional care ethos of the helping professions in medicine and nursing can find its place in discussions of these committees while hospitals have increasingly been organised along economic criteria.
. . . .My observations and interviews in the field work show that care practices in the tradition of Hippocratic Medicine are no longer self-evident for the helping professions. Physicians and nurses do rather struggle for a care ethos especially with regard to end-of- life questions and regulations of tube-feeding. The “cases” for ethics consultation brought into the committees by physicians and nurses did not rarely emerge as social problems and as a lack of professional competence. The problems appeared to be solvable by translating them into a language of principles and making the process manageable. These principle-based discussions in the practical arena of the hospital resemble discourse practices embedded within the larger bioethical debates in the political arena. Technical procedures given by management and administration do fit into the use of abstract principles and contribute to a language that limits the possibilities to think – what is at stake for patients – in terms of caring relations rather than thinking in terms of rules, regulations and control.
Kohlen H. (Thesis) Hospital Ethics Committees in the USA and in Germany Bioethics qua Practice, Nurses’ Participation and the Issues of Care. Gotfried Wilhelm Leibniz University, Hanover, Germany. 2008 Apr 02.