Navigating the new era of assisted suicide and execution drugs

Sean Riley

Journal of Law and the Biosciences
Journal of Law and the Biosciences

I. Introduction

Lethal medication provisions are in a precarious state. Over the past decade, pharmaceutical companies have attempted to stamp out the use of their drugs in executions, creating several economic and regulatory hurdles for access to these medications. As a result, patients seeking physician-assisted suicide (PAS) as well as death penalty states aiming to execute their capital offenders have been forced to turn to unregulated and dangerous alternatives for these drugs. This note attempts to unpack the quality, safety, and access issues emerging from these recent changes and to explore the implications for the future of these practices.

In order to fully grasp the exact mechanisms at work, this note will first offer a brief pharmacological description of the lethal medications and detail many technical aspects of their use. The next section provides a historical account of the past decade, illustrating the emergent quality, safety, and access issues. This note then evaluates the competing notions of ‘botched’ executions and ‘complications’ in PAS while analysing the standards set forward to measure safety and efficacy for each. Finally, this note closes by exploring the future of each practice in light of our discussion.

Riley S. Navigating the new era of assisted suicide and execution drugs. Journal of Law and the Biosciences. Volume 4, Issue 2, 1 August 2017, Pages 424–434,

Managing ethically questionable parental requests: growth suppression and manipulation of puberty

David Isaacs, Bernadette Tobin, Julie Hamblin, Emma Slaytor, Kim C Donaghue, Craig Munns, Henry A Kilham

Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health

Doctors sometimes struggle with ethically challenging requests for treatment from children’s parents. For instance, we have recently had two requests by parents of children, a girl and a boy, each with a severe developmental disability, for hormonal therapy to suppress growth and puberty: the girl’s parents requested, in addition, hysterectomy and mastectomy. We propose a reliable approach to assessing the ethical and legal aspects of these and other requests for ‘non-therapeutic’ treatment of a minor who lacks the capacity to give informed consent. We argue that a doctor should first assess whether the request is one that he or she can, in conscience, accede to, and then, if it is, seek the authorisation of a court. We outline considerations relevant to the doctor’s assessment of both the ethical issues and to the need for court authorisation.

Isaacs D, Tobin B, Hamblin J, Slaytor E, Donaghue KC, Munns C, Kilham HA. Managing ethically questionable parental requests: growth suppression and manipulation of puberty. J Paed Child Health. 2011 Sep 27;47(9):581-584.

Conscientious objection to termination of pregnancy: The competing rights of patients and nurses

Roslyn Kane

Nursing Management
Nursing Management

To highlight the potential difficulties in the management of staff with a conscientious objection to abortion, in light of expanding role of nurses.

Background: Recent years have seen changes in the provision of abortion services. Medical procedures are now gaining popularity and some areas are seeing the integration of outpatient clinics into ward settings. This may involve nurses being required to provide care to women undergoing termination of pregnancy, which may not have previously been within their remit. This has implications for staff with a conscientious objection.

Methods: A review of the academic literature.

Results: The advent of medical abortion has led to changes in the way in which abortion services are provided which in turn has re-ignited the debate of the competing rights of nurses with a conscientious objection and those of the patient accessing abortion services.

Conclusions: This extended role of nurses creates challenges for staff working in clinical areas offering termination of pregnancy and these are further compounded when staff have expressed a conscientious objection to abortion.

Implications for Nursing Management: Managers face new challenges in achieving the fine balance between the rights of staff with a conscientious objection to abortion and women accessing abortion services.

Kane R. Conscientious objection to termination of pregnancy: The competing rights of patients and nurses. J Nurs Manag. 2009 Sep 24;17(7):907-912.

In Tepid Defense of Population Health: Physicians and Antibiotic Resistance

Richard S Saver

American Journal of Law & Medicine
American Journal of Law & Medicine

Antibiotic resistance menaces the population as a dire public health threat and costly social problem. Recent proposals to combat antibiotic resistance focus to a large degree on supply side approaches. Suggestions include tinkering with patent rights so that pharmaceutical companies have greater incentives to discover novel antibiotics as well as to resist overselling their newer drugs already on market. This Article argues that a primarily supply side emphasis unfortunately detracts attention from physicians’ important demand side influences. Physicians have a vital and unavoidably necessary role to play in ensuring socially optimal access to antibiotics. Dismayingly, physicians’ management of the antibiotic supply has been poor and their defense of population health tepid at best. Acting as a prudent steward of the antibiotic supply often seems to be at odds with a physician’s commonly understood fiduciary duties, ethical obligations, and professional norms, all of which traditionally emphasize the individual health paradigm as opposed to population health responsibilities. Meanwhile, physicians face limited incentives for antibiotic conservation from other sources, such as malpractice liability, regulatory standards, and reimbursement systems. While multifaceted efforts are needed to combat antibiotic resistance effectively, physician gatekeeping behavior should become a priority area of focus. This Article considers how health law and policy tools could favorably change the incentives physicians face for antibiotic conservation. A clear lesson from the managed care reform battles of the recent past is that interventions, to have the best chance of success, need to respect physician interest in clinical autonomy and individualized medicine even if, somewhat paradoxically, vigorously promoting population health perspectives. Also, physicians’ legal and ethical obligations need to be reconceptualized in the antibiotic context in order to better support gatekeeping in defense of population health. The principal recommendation is for increased use of financial incentives to reward physicians for compliance with recommended guidelines on antibiotic prescribing. Although not a panacea, greater experimentation with financial incentives can provide a much needed jump-start to physician interest in antibiotic conservation and likely best address physicians’ legitimate clinical autonomy concerns.

Saver RS. In Tepid Defense of Population Health: Physicians and Antibiotic Resistance. Am J Law Med. 2008 Dec;34(4):431-491.

From Eisenstadt to Plan B: A Discussion of Conscientious Objections to Emergency Contraception

Lynne Marie Kohm

William Mitchell Law Review
William Mitchell Law Review


Medical ethics and the practice of medicine as an act of conscience have become integral to this scientifically unsettled debate. Before medication is prescribed or dispensed, a prudent practitioner weighs carefully the risks of the medication with the potential benefits. 70 Laws that require a medical professional to perform an act against his or her best judgment violate the code of ethics of that profession to do no harm in the professional’s highest and best medical judgment. It ought to be alarming that a patient’s expectations may become the standard for professional action. Ought medical professionals prescribe and dispense what the patient wants even if it harms him or her, just because the patient’s autonomy allows a patient to live a risky life? 71 Family planning deserves a principled approach carried out with integrity that protects the parties, and that approach should be reflected in legal policy and lawmaking.

Should doctors and pharmacists be able to refuse to give out emergency contraceptives based on conscientious objections? Sexual freedom that was protected by the Supreme Court’s emancipation of sexuality from reproduction has allowed emergency contraceptives to be used for any purpose an individual desires, rather than for the best and most responsible medical purposes. Therefore, when a medical professional has concerns that an emergency contraceptive may harm the health of his or her patients or customers or their offspring, a conscientious objection provided by law seems more appropriate than a legal requirement to dispense despite objections, at least until a medical and legal consensus can be reached.

Kohm LM. From Eisenstadt to Plan B: A Discussion of Conscientious Objections to Emergency Contraception. William Mitchell Law Rev. 2007 Mar;33(3):787-805.

(Correspondence) Infertility Treatments for Gay Patients?

Anthony Charuvastra

The Hastings Center Report
The Hastings Center Report

We are entering an era where medicine is becoming more like engineering. The distinction between “treatment” and “enhancement” blurs as we are ever better at tinkering with the body. . .

Medical scientists will be able to modify and control an ever-expanding range of human bodily functions, from drugs that slow down aging to drugs that alter basic aspects of mood, anxiety, and cognition. Someday soon, the conflict between a physician’s idea of how people ought to live and how those people want to live will occur in fields far removed from reproductive technology. . .

Charuvastra A. (Correspondence) Infertility Treatments for Gay Patients?. Hastings Cent Rep. 2006 Sep;36(5):6-7.

Pharmacist Refusals: Dispensing (With) Religious Accommodation Under Title VII

Amy Berquist

Minnesota Law Review
Minnesota Law Review


. . . The pharmaceutical industry will continue to create drugs to which some pharmacists object on religious grounds. Employers must anticipate that some pharmacists will object not only to birth control, but also to Ritalin, 226 Viagra for unmarried men, or drugs to treat AIDS; some pharmacists may even object on religious grounds to serving particular customers. The religious discrimination provisions of the Civil Rights Act allow most employers to dispense with the majority of possible religious accommodations for pharmacists who refuse to fill prescriptions on religious grounds. Those provisions are meaningless, however, if employers are reluctant to assert Title VII’s protections against accommodations imposing an undue hardship on the pharmacy’s business operations. As pharmacies negotiate the tensions between consumers demanding prompt access to prescription drugs, a tight labor market for pharmacists, pressure from certain religious groups to discourage the use of birth control, vocal national groups advocating expanded access to contraception, and their own economic bottom line, Title VII can serve either as an answer or as an excuse. Employers may use Title VII as a pretense to justify unnecessary accommodations for objecting pharmacists; pharmacies may attempt to use federal law to shield themselves from customer and activist criticism by asserting that they have no choice but to accommodate. On the other hand, pharmacies can utilize Title VII as a tool to define the outer limits of their pharmacist accommodation policies. A clear understanding of the parameters of Title VII’s religious accommodation requirements will help guide and monitor the behavior and legal justifications presented by employers, employees, and customers when pharmacists refuse to dispense certain drugs on religious grounds.

Berquist A. Pharmacist Refusals: Dispensing (With) Religious Accommodation Under Title VII. Minn Law Rev. 2006;90(4):1073-1106.

Conflicts of Conscience

Katherine A James

Washburn Law Journal
Washburn Law Journal

There is concern that conscience clauses for pharmacists will lead to pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions outside the area of contraception. For example, pharmacists who believe AIDS is a punishment from God may not fill a patient’s prescription for AIDS medication. Doctors who think children should only be born to heterosexual, married couples may not provide adequate fertility treatment or may not encourage their patients to explore their options fully. The current trend of pharmacists refusing to fill prescriptions because of personal beliefs violates a woman’s constitutional rights, a pharmacist’s duty of care, and a woman’s right to confidentiality. Forcing pharmacists to fill prescriptions that conflict with their religious beliefs also violates their constitutional right to free exercise of religion. Allowing individual pharmacists to decline to fill prescriptions while mandating that pharmacies have a policy to ensure that customers’ needs are met will help alleviate the concerns of both parties to the conflict. Thus, any legislation that is enacted should balance the needs of both pharmacists and patients.

James KA. Conflicts of Conscience. Washburn Law J. 2006 Jan;45(415-435).

(Correspondence) In Response

Bernard M. Dickens, Rebecca J. Cook

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada


As neither our original Commentary on access to emergency contraception nor our letter response was suitable for fully referenced legal or ethical reasoning, we appreciate this opportunity to expand a little on the substance of both, addressing the points Mr Murphy raises.

Dickens BM, Cook RJ. (Correspondence) In Response. 2004 Aug; 26(8): 706-707.

(Correspondence) Access to Emergency Contraception

Sean Murphy

Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada
Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada


In a letter in the February issue of JOGC, Rebecca J. Cook and Bernard M. Dickens state, “Physicians who feel entitled to subordinate their patient’s desire for well-being to the service of their own personal morality or conscience should not practise clinical medicine” (emphasis added).
The statement is unsupported by their own legal references, and it has little to recommend it as an ordering principle in the practice of medicine.

Murphy S. (Correspondence) Access to Emergency Contraception. JOGC. 2004 Aug; 26(8): 705-706.