The Attitude of Flemish Palliative Care Physicians to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

Bert Broeckaert, Joris Gielen, Trudie Van Iersel, Stef Van Den Branden

Ethical Perspectives
Ethical Perspectives

Surveys carried out among palliative care physicians have shown that most participants do not support euthanasia and assisted suicide. Belgium, however, is one of the few countries in the world in which voluntary euthanasia is allowed by law. The potential influence of this legal dimension thus warranted a study of the attitudes of Belgian palliative care physicians toward euthanasia and assisted suicide. . . .The majority of the physicians favour legalisation on assisted suicide. There is no significant association between the euthanasia clusters and attitudes toward assisted suicide. We conclude that although most Flemish palliative care physicians agree that there may be circumstances in which a euthanasia request is justified, they also strongly believe in the effects of good palliative care and want the ‘palliative filter’ to be included in the law on euthanasia. Religion and worldview are an important factor determining attitudes towards euthanasia.

Broeckaert B, Gielen J, Iersel TV, Branden SVD. The Attitude of Flemish Palliative Care Physicians to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide. Ethical Perspectives. 2009;16(3):311-335.