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(Points from Letters) Abortion (Amendment) Bill

GW Theobald

British Medical Journal, BMJ
British Medical Journal

It is fast becoming evident that no man or woman whose conscience prevents them from engaging in this practice can in future contemplate specializing in obstetrics and gynaecology, and this would apply to many practising Christians, not merely Roman Catholics, and presumably to orthodox Jews.

Theobald G. (Points from Letters) Abortion (Amendment) Bill. Br Med J. 1975;2(5971):620.

(Correspondence) Abortion (Amendment) Bill

Points from letters

CCS Slorach

British Medical Journal, BMJ
British Medical Journal

Did you choose deliberately to disregard the fact that in every case of proposed abortion two patients are involved, the mother and the child? The whole tenor of your article, backed up with suitable quotations from the Lane Report, seems to favour abortion on demand.

Slorach C. (Points from Letters) Abortion (Amendment) Bill. Br Med J. 1975 Jun 14;2(5971):620.

Climate warm at BCMA annual meeting


Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The annual report of the section of obstetrics and gynecology engendered some highly emotional debate on abortion in spite of the attempts of the chairman, Dr. W. J. Jory, to keep diatribes, charges and accusations to a minimum. Little new was added to forming a solution to the problem.

JSB. Climate warm at BCMA annual meeting. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Jun 07;112(11):1339. Available from:

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

AC Hayes

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

If therapeutic abortion in a healthy person presents a complex sociocultural problem, as Dr. Rapp claims (Can Med Assoc J 112: 682, 1975), the decision as to whether or not an abortion should be performed should be made by an expert in sociocultural problems, not by the patient and not by the physician.

Hayes AC. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 May 17;112(10):1166.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

Gerd Schneider

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

Most people who have chosen their ranks will probably remain loyal despite any argumentational artillery. So the war goes on!. . . There are conscientious and responsible people on both sides of the issue and their detailed arguments can be read elsewhere. I am not for abortion, but for preconceptive family planning. If the laws are liberalized there will be abuses; we are imperfect creatures. But because we are human and individuals with personally significant problems requiring solutions, we should be permitted to be treated as individual humans.

Schneider G. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 May 03;112(9):1045.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

Wendell W Watters

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

I regret that my previous letter (Can Med Assoc J 111: 900, 1974) did not make clear the distinction between people whose individual value system would not allow them to participate in abortion themselves and people who would prevent anyone from participating in abortion. I sincerely hope we never have laws that prevent the former from following the dictates of their own conscience . . . he is entitled to call embryos anything he wishes. But those of us who call tadpoles “tadpoles” and not immature frogs, acorns “acorns” and not oak trees, prefer to call fetuses “fetuses”. . . With regard to Dr. Baunemann’s letter, the persistent attempt on the part of the self-styled pro-life people to force an association between the Nazis and the advocates of abortion Jaw repeal is wearing a bit thin. . . .History shows that antiabortion laws (phenomenologically, compulsory pregnancy laws) were always introduced to stimulate population growth; and such policies of demographic aggression usually preceded acts of other kinds of aggression. Hitler was a fervent crusader for compulsory pregnancy.

Watters WW. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Mar 08;112(5):558.

Abortion: an open letter (CMA President)

Bette Stephenson

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The CMA is not in favour of “abortion on demand”; indeed we are very concerned with the very large and growing number of abortions being performed. . .Our primary aim is to improve family planning programs and, in every way possible, reduce unwanted pregnancies and the need for abortion. . . We believe there is a great need to clarify government policy regarding the abortion laws and for much more meaningful leadership from the federal and provincial governments and the medical profession of Canada to evolve an effective, comprehensive national family planning program. . . .Contrary to a frequent misinterpretation that the CMA is pro-abortion, the association, in fact, is much more strongly pro-prevention of the problem of unwanted pregnancy. If the news media had publicized that important portion of my presentation to the Empire Club regarding the need for effective educational and family planning programs as widely as it did that part related to the problems of abortion, you would have gained a much more accurate view of the policies of the association.


Stephenson B. Abortion: an open letter (CMA President). Can Med Assoc J. 1975;112(4):492. Available from:

(Correspondence) Unwanted pregnancy and abortion

CW Kok

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

. . . A common error made by physicians is that they assume a responsibility that is not theirs. When a healthy woman becomes pregnant it is her responsibility and it is certainly not the duty of the physician to terminate the pregnancy. . . . .

. . . If it is a depression one has to treat the depression, not the pregnancy. We are using the wrong diagnosis to escape from a difficult decision. To justify an abortion one must be sure that health will be permanently damaged, as in a patient with chronic nephritis or one at risk of heart failure. . . .

. . . .The lack of guiding principles has created a very disturbing situation. A most disturbing thought is that those who are unwanted can be disposed of. This happened to the Jews in Nazi Germany and it happens in all totalitarian states. . . .Throughout history, people were first dehumanized, not regarded as people, then used or killed. . .

. . . Physicians’ attention must be focused on preventing the occurrence of those situations in which abortion may be justifiable. . . The Oath of Hippocrates should serve as a means of drawing the members of the medical profession together irrespective of religious or philosophical differences. As it is now, we are the passive onlookers of a debate between fanatically rigid groups.

Kok C. (Correspondence) Unwanted pregnancy and abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Feb 22;112(4):419-420.

(Correspondence) Wilful exposure to unwanted pregnancy

Carol A Cowell

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

. . . the term unwanted pregnancy . . . I use . . . simply to denote a pregnancy in a patient who does not want a baby. . . If he is implying that some of these patients use pregnancy as a club with which to beat their parents over the head, I would certainly agree. . .The “wilful exposure to unwanted pregnancy” syndrome certainly must be one of psychodynamic origin. . . . when are our psychiatric colleagues going to come forward with positive, practical steps to help alleviate it?

Cowell CA. (Correspondence) Wilful exposure to unwanted pregnancy. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Feb 08;112(3):274.

(Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion

PG Coffey

Canadian Medical Association Journal, CMAJ
Canadian Medical Association Journal

The country that liberalizes abortion creates an atmosphere that encourages abortion. . . Is abortion really no different than any other operation? The people who see no difference are the same people who see all the difference in the world between feticide and infanticide. . . .Dr. Watters refers derisively to the “pro-life” group as the “Canadian Crusaders for Compulsory Pregnancy. . . Is it so difficult to understand that in certain circumstances principles come before expedients? . . . Killing has always been one of the most tempting ways for man to achieve his immediate ends. The numerous complications that may result from abortion, especially the long-term ones, provide good medical reasons for encouraging a pregnancy to continue.

Coffey PG. (Correspondence) Therapeutic abortion. Can Med Assoc J. 1975 Feb 08;112(3):283.